Monday, January 5, 2009

The First Post of 2009

My last post was on Christmas and now...
Is already passed New Year.
Sorry guys...
I'm not busy party-ing,
maybe I can blame the internet line?
and also my faulty laptop?

Is 2009...
kiss 2008 goodbye.

Nothing much with my Christmas and New Year celebration.
Besides having vodka with friends...
so far...Absolut Kurant is my favourite...
Don't worry, I'm not drunk while typing this post.

Then on Boxing day, I went for annual blood test with my mom.
Got the result the the next few days.
Nothing much besides need to watch out for my diet.
The usual advice...
less fat, less salt, less this and that.
I have a little bit of high cholesterol,
as in the bad cholesterol.

Looking at the spot on my arm where the doctor 'poked' me...
I guess something wrong with my healing system.
well...I always have problem in healing wounds.
There is still visible blue black on the vein...
weird huh?

After New Year, my family decided to have house cleaning.
ya..the usual annual house cleaning that really make you crazy.
All the old books, magazines, clothes, faulty electronic equipments...

New semester is going to start next week.
again..I'm not going to complain about my timetable,
it is always...unorganized.

Hmm...I shall back to my daily routine...
I'm going to tidy up my brother's room now.


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