Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The starting of a new semester...

I'm officially a year 2 semester 2 student now.
Although currently I'm in a short semester,
which means...
there is only 7 weeks of teaching weeks,
1 week study week and
around 2 weeks of examination.
I have classes everyday,
average from 8am until 4pm or 5pm.

In this short semester, there are 3 subjects for me to complete.
So far, it sounds okay right?

when you know that in week 3, you will have your mid term test,
week 5 and 6 are your assignments due date,
and week 7 are your presentations...
then that's the end of your semester and you got to get ready for your finals
which are in week 9?

How am I suppose to cope with it?

Now, everybody is preparing for assignments.
Everyone is spending time on the University's computer lab,
library, study room, discussion room...

and me?

I have started to burn the midnight oil on my first day of my new semester.
Doing research, reading articles,
coming out new and creative ideas,
choosing topic to do.

All I want to say is...



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